Today is Wednesday, and we are in Jiminez at a little tienda that has free wireless internet access! What a blessing!
I am trying to catch up on emails and business stuff but also wanted to update you a little on our lives here in Mexico.
Last night we had a surprise visit from Hilda and two of her 9 children. We visited about the upcoming Rodeo (Cabalgata) and outreach afterwards in San Carlos. I showed them some flyers I drew up and they were pleased with them. We’ll put them in the tiendas around the area to advertise the Gran Concierto that will be after the Cabalgata on the 26th of November.
While they were at our house, they told us that they helped build the room we’re living in, and that they also worked on the church and the fence around it. Hilda’s husband was the pastor of our church for a long time before he died, and they worked hard to keep the church alive and full of members. They still have a heart for our church, but are working in Palmira and have been successful there, bringing people to the Lord and discipling them. They told us that Pedro, the man I keep running into everywhere who has the amazing testimony, is going to share his testimony at the concert. He was well known in worldly circles and is even more outspoken now that he’s a Christian. Every time I see him, he’s sharing the Lord with people. What an encouragement for us to see a man so on fire for Jesus here in our little corner of Mexico!
Hilda’s oldest son, Francisco and his wife have a new baby and we look forward to seeing little Javier. He was born last weekend in Acuna and his mother had to have him c-section so she is recuperating in her mother’s home in San Carlos. Hilda has 10 grandchildren now. All of Hilda’s children, except one, are serving the Lord. Bill and I were especially impressed with Felipas’ evangelistic anointing. We have heard her sing and preach and she’s an amazing young woman. I still have to translate for Bill but even without translation, Bill can tell she’s anointed.
Bill is feeling better after being sick and blames the baloney we bought in the states. He says, “No more American baloney!”
Yesterday some children came and told me there was no school today, so at 10 am we had an art class and 10 children came and painted and drew for two hours. It was fun and we served saltines with peanut butter and horchata (rice milk with cinnamon) for a snack.
We always enjoy having the children come to visit. Bill built a fire in the fireplace and used our briquettes, and it was nice and toasty in the sanctuary where we had the class.
Tonight we have a Bible study at Luipita’s casa at 5pm and then we will go to Raquel’s casa in Palmira to join Hilda and Felipa and all the saints for another study there. It’s so exciting to see what God in doing it the believers here. They share testimonies every meeting about what God has been doing in their lives and in their family’s lives. Pedro shared about his brother-in-law and his sister. They told him that he had “passed the test” and could stop reading his Bible now and talking about God to everyone. He told them, this wasn’t a test like that. It was a lifestyle change and he would be doing these things from now on. They got mad and left him alone. He said he has a wonderful time with his welding business, praising God and praying while he’s working. God is using him mightily in our area because of his boldness.
Every time Bill sees Pedro, he asks him if he has his sword and if he’s going to cut off someone’s ear like Peter in the Bible. Pedro just laughs and says his sword is in his pickup (his Bible).
We will close for now and we will try to keep you updated later this week. May God bless you abundantly as you seek His face.
We love you and thank the Lord for your prayers for us as we serve here in Mexico.
In His grip,
Toni and Bill