This has been an exciting week for us in Mexico. Our pastor and friend, Greg Goza came down with a friend from Aspermont, James Cochran to frame our doors and windows on the house. It was great having them there, even though the two days wasn't as much time as we would have liked to have. They accomplished alot in those two days.
Tuesday afternoon, James stayed to work on the framing and Bill, Greg and I went to spend some time at the prison. We arrived in time to join a church group, Bethsaida, for a service in the women's area. There were about 40 women inmates attending the service and Brother Frank and his family led a praise and worship time, and then Frank shared a message about faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the Word of God.
We are grateful for every opportunity to visit inmates inside prison walls. Please pray God prepares hearts to receive the gospel when we visit.