Monday, November 1, 2021

Feeding And Helping The Homeless

 Greetings in the glorious name of Jesus Christ!

I arrived in Sacramento last week on the 24th of October. I drove from Mexico in 3 days, and am so grateful for God’s mercies on my way. I slept in the car rest areas and it started raining when I was about 2 hours from Sacramento. Unfortunately, the car has a leak (or two) and the floor boards were full of water on Monday, due to the 5.44 inches of rain received on Sunday when I arrived. But I know that the residents of drought-ridden California appreciate every drop!

I spent the next two days drying it out with a shop vac and a special fan I rented at Home Depot. My brother gave me some sealant, so hopefully that problem is fixed. 

Every day this past week I drove my grandchildren to and from school. We spent time at the park after school and had a wonderful time together. 

During the week, my check engine light came on, so today I brought the car to a mechanic I trust in West Sacramento. I have been walking around the area while my car is in the shop, and I arrived at a Subway Sandwich shop. Outside, near the front of the store was a young woman going through the garbage can, looking for recyclables. I said, “Good morning,” and asked her if she’d like something to eat. She said yes! 

We went inside and ordered our meals. The woman working there was so kind and understanding. Many area restaurants won’t allow dining in, but she did. We sat and ate and visited for over an hour. During that time, “Moon Star” told me about her last 2 years on the streets and 4 months in a tent a few miles away.

She has no ID and no social security card, both being necessary for any chance to improve her living conditions. She was adopted at the age of 3 but has no birth certificate in her adopted name, so I contacted her high school and requested her transcripts. Thankfully, I connected with a wonderful woman who emailed the transcripts to me as soon as we got off the phone, and is mailing an official copy to a Women’s Shelter I contacted, where she can get her mail. 

I am sitting in the waiting area at the mechanic’s shop. After my car is finished, I plan to go find my new friend and get her wet belongings, blankets, etc. We will go to the laundromat and get her things cleaned and dried. Hopefully, we can pick up some applications she needs to get into a local homeless program here in West Sacramento.

I am so grateful God put Michelle in my path and that He directed my steps today. 

Serving Him with joy,



  1. This warms my heart so greatly to see such compassion! She must feel like she ran into an angel and to be honest, she did. Dry clothes and a warm spot to stay and a warm meal to eat is everything. Love you

  2. Thank you so much for your sweet comment, Caroline. Wish you were here to do it with me. But I know you’re making a difference in your community, too. Love you!
