Saturday, May 3, 2014

An Amazing Night In Prison

Greetings from Watauga, Texas. Tonight I am at my son's home for a week-long visit with him and his family, and I am so grateful to God for allowing me the privilege of coming away for this relaxing time.

On Thursday morning, I left Tepeyac and headed for Haskell, Texas, where I wanted to join the group of women from "Treasures of Grace" ministry. They have been sharing the gospel in that prison for nearly ten years. Last week, I received texts from two women in the group about the group of 91 women who had attended the Bible study at the prison, and ten women accepted Christ that night. I really wanted to join them for an evening of praise and worship and sharing the gospel with these ladies.

When I arrived in the parking lot of the Rolling Plains Correctional Facility, the women were just unloading cases of bibles to take inside to the inmates. We hugged and greeted one another, excited about what God is doing behind those walls. We were a large group, 8 in all, and after signing in, we were taken to the chapel. It was the first time I'd been in the chapel and it was surprisingly like a regular church sanctuary with pews and a baptismal in the back of the room. I had ministered in this facility for many years while living in Texas, and have missed my Thursday evenings sharing in Spanish with the immigration detainees.

We prayed before the first group was led in, and 5 maximum security inmates filed in, hugging each of us before they sat down. We prayed with them and sang praise and worship songs, and then Haley  from Treasures of Grace, gave a short message. After that, I shared a little about my life in Mexico, and we asked them to share some about their relationships with the Lord. They told us they have Bible studies and try to encourage one another. They aren't sure what the future holds, but they know Who holds their future. It was a blessing to spend time with these ladies, and although it was short, we were encouraged by their faith.

When the guard led them back to their cells, we prayed again for the next group, knowing it would be the ICE detainees and a much larger group of women. We prayed God would prepare hearts and have His way, giving the messengers His message of hope for the lost.

Finally, the woman guard led the ladies into the room, and gradually, after many hugs and greetings, they sat down in the pews, over 65 women in all. Many took Bibles with gospel tracts freely offered them. A few had their own Bibles with them. We prayed and began to sing a few songs, with the women singing with such exuberance, it was what I imagine it will be like in heaven. The ladies took their places and Haley shared her message with them, and I translated it into Spanish. When she finished, I shared what God had done in my life, and what He is doing now, taking what the enemy meant for evil and turning it around for good, and the Lord did something amazing.

When I asked the women to come forward and ask Christ to come into their lives, it was amazing. One by one at first, then in groups, then every last woman came forward. None of us could imagine such a move of God. We were all crying and hugging, and as I prayed a sinner's prayer, everyone was repeating the words and everyone was crying, hugging one another and wiping tears. (Two of the women asked for prayer to rededicate their lives to Christ, as they were already born-again but had turned away.)

I can't tell you how wonderful it was to be in that room at that moment. It was obvious God was doing a new thing in that place. The TOG group has been ministering there for many years, and praying for God to have His way in these women's lives. Obviously, He is answering those prayers and blessing those efforts. What an amazing God we serve. What a privilege to be a part of that ministry and that movement of the Spirit.
When we said our goodbyes, the hugs were long and heartfelt, the words were sweet and grateful and the promises to pray for these sisters were sincere. May God give them the grace and the strength to serve Him every day of their lives, and to be a light to their families when they go back to their countries.

After the immigration detainees left, the guard led in two women, one prepared to be baptized. She was a petite young lady, only 18, but with the sweetest spirit. She had been studying with the group for 3 months and was being transferred to an SAFPF Drug Program at another location the next day. Sue McCurley asked the young woman a few questions about her salvation and then asked if she was ready to be baptized. She allowed me to baptize her, and we were so excited about all that God is going to do in this young woman's life. He has a wonderful plan for her and she promised to keep in touch with the TOG ministry.
When we walked out of the facility Thursday night two and a half hours later, all of us were so excited. It was an amazing night and we were thankful to God for allowing us to participate, each in our own way, with what He had accomplished that night.

May God be glorified in your life today and every day as you keep putting Jesus first in your life. He's our only hope of glory and "He who has begun a good work in you will complete it until the day of Christ Jesus."

Philippians 1:6

Be encouraged. If we are willing to be used by Him, He will use our lives for His glory.

Blessed beyond measure,


"And I thank Christ Jesus our Lord who has enabled me, because He counted me faithful, putting me into the ministry." 1 Timothy 1:12

Fun and Games With The Children of Tepeyac

I’ve had a busy couple of weeks but am so grateful for God’s faithfulness and for friends and family.
The week before and the week after Easter, we had a VBS at the church in Tepeyac. We had 17-20 kids every day and several mothers joined their children. Each afternoon we started with prayer and songs, and then shared a Bible story.  Lucero and Estrella led the music and shared the story, and then we did a coloring page and a craft. A few days we did two crafts, and every day we had a snack and refreshments. One day, they decorated sugar cookies, and one day, cupcakes. The children were all so well behaved, it was a joy to have them fill the church during their Spring vacation from school.

Freshly-painted faces

Egg-on-a-spoon racers getting ready to go.

Blas sharing a message with the kids.

Waiting to start the three-legged race.

Sack racers in full motion.

Then, on Wednesday, the 30th we celebrated “Día de los Niños” with an outreach at the church. Brother Blas shared a gospel message, we sang songs and then we began the fun. We gave out gifts to the mothers that attended and the outreach was complete with lots of games, hot dogs, cupcakes and drinks. The games were so fun, and we included a few new ones along with those we did at last year’s event. The children all won prizes for their performances, and we gave out bags of candy before they left.  

I am so grateful to be able to share the love of Jesus Christ here in Mexico. It is my heart's desire that every chance I get, He gives me boldness to share the gospel with the lost. What a privilege to serve the Lord and share what He has done in my life.

“Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom, teaching and admonishing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing with grace in your hearts to the Lord. And whatever you do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through Him.”       Colossians 3:16 & 17

Thank you so much for reading our blog and for being a part of this ministry. We greatly appreciate your love, prayers and support for us. May our Heavenly Father get all the glory as we serve Him in these challenging times.

By His grace,
Toni and Bill

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