Today is another busy day with rides to Piedras Negras to take families to doctor's appointments.
It is a beautiful, crisp morning in Coahuila, after a night of strong North winds.
Every day I wake up thanking the Lord for giving me breath and another day to serve Him. When I think of how blessed we are to be of service for these people we help, and how God supplies our needs and the needs of those around us, I am in awe of His loving kindness and mercies. He is faithful in every way, and the joy and peace I experience are a sweet part of walking this walk with Him.

Bill has been caring for a little lamb born on the rancho last Friday. Apparently some animal bit his leg off, but he can stand and walk. He spends the night in the corral with his mother, then, when she's gone to the field during the day, he stays in our house, mostly resting in the dog bed. Bill has named the baby lamb "Pánfilo" which means slowpoke.
It is God's care and goodness I think of when I see Bill love on little Pánfilo. When Bill pets him, his tail shakes with contentment.
Be encouraged today. God can use you in an amazing way if you allow yourself to be sensitive to His Spirit. He will guide your steps.
God bless you today as you keep your eyes on the Lord. He alone is our hope.
By His grace,
Toni and Bill