Yesterday, we spent the afternoon with a man who lives in a storage locker, about 3 spaces down from ours. He has been living in his rental space for over 3 years, no electricity, candles for light, a propane heater for cold nights, sleeping on a bed of cardboard and blankets. I can't even begin to imagine what kind of a life that must be.
His name is Javier and we took him to town, to McDonald's, WalMart, HEB and Dollar General. During our 3+ hours together, he told us about his life. He had been married for a short time years ago, but for twenty years he cared for his ailing father, a disabled veteran. When his father died 4 years ago, he was unable to work due to a foot injury and now lives in the storage unit, visiting churches in the area and had been unsuccessful trying to get disability benefits.
He washes his laundry at the laundromat, bathes and shaves in the storage restroom, and was clean and well-kept when we visited with him. We asked if he'd like us to get him something to eat, but he declined, saying he'd just had a big meal at the church he attends.
When we took him back to his "house," he thanked us and told us how much he appreciated our help getting him where he needed to go. It was nothing to us. Just a little lift to save him many miles and hours of walking.
I know many people have had to resort to unusual measures when times are tough. I have been homeless and stayed at a shelter over 30 years ago. It was a very hard time for me.
Maybe we can each give a hand for a person we see struggling when we have the means and opportunity to do so.
I pray God use each of us in the lives of the hurting and lost around us. You never know when you can make a difference.