Greetings from Coahuila in the glorious name of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ!
We are so grateful God answers prayers. We had the privilege of going into the prison in Piedras Negras on Christmas Eve this year, and shared the gospel, along with pozole with all the fixin's.
We were blessed to have the presence and support of the guards to join us as three pastors shared the messages, along with the rest of us sharing testimonies and encouragement to the inmates.
Manuel and Alejandro making the pozole |
Cleaning out the ice chests |
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Buying bolillos at the bakery |
Pastor Alejandro Alvarado made a big pot of pozole and since we can't bring metal into the facility, we placed it in our ice chest, and brought rolls, limes, lettuce and punch to fill the stomachs of the men who attended the service in the small church inside the prison.
How glorious to hear the praise and worship of these men, giving God the glory in the midst of challenging circumstances behind bars. Many of the men came up to us to thank us for being there, and for the meal. It was wonderful hearing many of them share their stories.
I have not been permitted to enter the facility since the escape of over a hundred inmates, and was so blessed to finally be able to enter, after praying for God to open the doors once again.
Lord willing, we will be going in to do Bible studies on a weekly or bi-weekly basis. Pastor Alyejandro is working with other pastors to make it a regular ministry opportunity. God remains in control and we trust Him for His perfect timing in all things.
Thank you so much for your interest and prayers for the ministry. May God use you and yours mightily as you seek His face.
In Him,