Greetings! I recently came across some photos taken on a mission trip my husband, Bill, took with our pastor at Aspermont Community Church, Larry Melton, back in 2007. The photos were so vibrant and inspiring, I thought I'd share them with you on the blog.
Larry and Bill travelled through Mozambique, Africa for
a month-long evangelistic journey, sharing the gospel in many areas, including
Inhaminga. Rod and
Ellie Hein are a big part of the ministry of Afrika Wa Yesu. (Africa for
I think Bill's favorite part of the whole journey was the children. He would try to grab them and they would run from him, laughing like crazy. It was his game, since he couldn't communicate with them.
Bill has a powerful testimony and he loved sharing it
with men and women he met on their trip.
with men and women he met on their trip.
Several churches made the trip possible, and the 2,000+ souls
that made decisions for Christ during this trip were fruit
of those donations, and Bill and Larry's testimonies.
May God continue to be glorified.