Monday, December 2, 2019

Thanksgiving Meal at Agua Viva 2019

Greetings in the gracious name of Jesus Christ.

I am very behind in my updates this blog, so will try to play catch-up on with this update.

The past several weeks have been busy ones, transporting people to doctor’s appointments, emergency room visits, taking vitals and giving injections because the local clinics are on vacation for the rest of the year, and delivering food, clothing and blankets to families in need in our area. I have been so blessed to receive lots of donations from  Primera Asambea de Dios of Dallas, Texas during my recent visit to the Metroplex. 

We celebrated Thanksgiving at the Agua Viva Rehabilitation Center in Centinela on Sunday, November 24th with 14 residents at the rehab and nearly 40 in attendance ate their fill of turkey, mashed potatoes and gravy, broccoli-cauliflower salad, potato salad, yeast rolls and cake. Everyone went back for seconds, and some for thirds and fourth helpings. It was a sweet time of fellowship and the Lord multiplied the food. We had 3 big turkeys cooked to perfection by Veronica, Pastor Alejandro’s wife, and Susan Carver and Robert Strickland helped me make the salads for the event.

I took vitals on the residents of the center before the meal, and with my blood pressure cuff, glucose monitor and pulse oximeter, I was able to get a good read on the men’s health.  Most of the men had high blood pressure, and I gave them each a list of their results to take to a doctor when they get a chance to be seen.

Thank you so much for your interest in the ministry, and especially for your prayers and support. I am so grateful for the Body of Christ partnering with us in our efforts here below the border.

God bless you as you seek His will in your life and share the love of Jesus with the lost and hurting around you.

I'm His loving embrace,


Saturday, July 13, 2019

Tepeyac VBS 2019

"How beautiful upon the mountains are the feet of him who brings good news, who proclaims peace, who brings glad tidings of good things, who proclaims salvation, who says to Zion, "Your God reigns!" Isaiah 52:7

We are so grateful for all who came to our little corner of Mexico to bring the good news to so many. The group from First Baptist Church of Haskell, Texas was 40 strong, and brought encouragement and love to the children and families in San Carlos, Tepeyac, Centinela and Casa Hogar Bethesda

This year, they stayed in a church in Acuna, and we saw many attend the Vacation Bible Schools at each of the locations.

Here are a few of the pictures from the week in Tepeyac. It was a wonderful time of praise and worship, teaching of the Word and encouraging the new believers that came to Christ that week.

These few pictures don't nearly tell the story, but the faces should give you an idea of the enjoyment felt by the children and mother's who joined us at the church in Tepeyac.

Thank you for your interest in the ministry in Mexico, and for your prayers for the families in our area. We are so grateful to God for you and your love and support.

By His grace,

Monday, May 20, 2019

Children's Day in Tepeyac 2019

Greetings from Tepeyac in the gracious name of Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior! What a blessing to serve the Lord here in Mexico. I am so grateful for all of you who pray for and support this ministry and I apologize for not keeping you updated more often. Things are busy here and I am finally getting a chance to catch up on the ministry blog today. I pray these pictures and stories will bless you as the experiences have blessed me.
The Lord has been working here in our little corner of Mexico, and we have seen salvations and lives changed as I minister to families in our communities.  Here are some photos from our recent Children's Day Outreach in Tepeyac. We had dozens of moms and children attend the event and all enjoyed fun, games, gifts and a meal served by our friends from the Agua Viva Rehabilitation Center in Centinela. Pastor Alejandro gave a message and his wife, Veronica led the games and fun for the kids. The brothers that reside at the center also helped with the games.

Pastor Alejandro Alvarado sharing the Good News with the
 mothers and children at the plaza in Tepeyac.

This fishing for ducks game was by far the most
popular with the younger children. I love how the
kids waiting to play were already wearing their 

Preparing for the sack race

Thank you so much for your prayers, encouragement and support of this ministry in Mexico. I am blessed for the privilege to serve the Lord here and pray this blog encourages you as you make a difference in the lives around you.

Serving with joy,