Thursday, November 17, 2011

Monday~Mighty Men and Prophets

As we are coming to the end of our first month living back in Mexico, I am sitting in our little 12’ x 14’ cinder-block room, listening to the chickens clucking outside and scratching in the dirt. The fan is running and as I look out the only window, I can see my neighbor burning her trash in her front yard.

Today is Monday and it’s overcast. No wind, thank the Lord, so I washed all my dishes and clothes early. Always a challenge to get things done before the water goes off.
Since we ran out of propane yesterday morning, we boiled water in the microwave and Bill had Ramen noodles for breakfast, and I steamed some rice and opened a can of baked beans. Complete carbohydrate, right? I think (except for the sugar and additives in the can) beans and rice are the staple of most of the world’s population. I squeezed a lemon and made a glass of lemonade. The kids here love homemade lemonade. Great beverage, I think, with natural vitamin C.
We had cream of mushroom soup cooked in the crock pot, and I added egg noodles and green peas for our lunch. (Don’t they call them English Peas in Texas?) In California, we just called them peas.

The propane men came about noon today, and I filled up two tanks, one small and one medium. Hopefully they’ll last about two weeks if it doesn’t get too cold. It cost 180 pesos, so about $15. U.S. dollars.

I had a great time in the Word this morning. I got up before the roosters crowed and read in 2 Samuel, chapters 21-24 and 2 Kings, Chapters 1-6. Lots of great information in those chapters. I was reading about Elijah and Elisha. What amazing men of God they were, totally anointed. What unyielding dedication was shown by David’s mighty men. Thinking about having to pry their hands off their swords, because they were so intent on the battle makes me want to be just as dedicated to the task God has given me.

Yesterday, I was reading in Dutch Sheets’ book, “Intercessory Prayer.” He talked about the mighty men and how their dedication to the task is what made them mighty. The importance of perseverance and endurance, says Dutch Sheets, are near the top of his list of most important spiritual traits. We live in such a “microwave” culture and we want everything right now. Usually, it’s through the persevering that we are also transformed.

Lord, help me to persevere and endure, no matter what task You have placed ahead of me. Help me to be that prayer warrior you’ve called me to be, and help me to see that while bringing my friends, family and our needs to You in prayer, I can know You more, and have the intimacy with You that I long for. Amen.

As we think about this month and Thanksgiving coming soon, I want to thank you for your prayers for us. We are so blessed to be living and serving God here in Mexico among these people, sharing the hope that we have in Christ. We live in peace here, and we know that God is our provider, never failing to supply our needs. We are so thankful to God for His loving kindness and His faithfulness. We thank God for sweet friends, our family and the partners who come alongside and encourage us.

"All that is necessary for the triumph of evil
is that good men do nothing."
Edmond Burke

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