Saturday, September 8, 2012

Visiting in Texas

What a blessing to be visiting friends and family in Texas for a few weeks. What an amazing trip it has been already! I got up early Friday morning at 6 and packed the pickup, and went to have coffee with Guadalupe and José, the neighbors. While we were enjoying our coffee, a vehicle pulled up and three men from town got out, apparently looking for me. We walked out of Guadalupe's house and they told me they needed some of the heavy duty wire I had purchased for our house. During the night, the wires for the pump on the water tower had burned out and Tepeyac residents were left without water. They cut lengths from each of the three rolls of wire I had and asked me how much they owed me. Of course, I said nothing, and was glad to be of help. The funniest part of the story is that Don José, the electrician in town, had told me I didn’t need the heavy duty wire because they never used that type of wire here in Mexico. But it sure comes in handy for community water pumps, I guess. Thank the Lord I had it to give.

After many good-byes in Tepeyac, I finally got on the road about 9 am and picked up mail and filled up with gas in Del Rio before getting back on the road. I purposely came up on Thursday to join Treasures of Grace at Haskell prison. I went to Tim and Linda Burson’s when I arrived in Haskell and had supper with them. Carolyn Herring came by to join us for prison, and we headed to the facility before 7. Paula Sammons joined us there and we had 12 immigration detainees come out to join the study. Carolyn led worship and the girls joined in the singing. Linda shared from Psalm 139, about David and his understanding of the presence of God. No matter where we are, God is there.

When we finished the lesson and gathered for prayer, Linda asked the girls if anyone wanted to know Jesus Christ personally. Six girls came forward and prayed a sinner’s prayer, and we all praised the Lord for His Spirit touching these precious women. What an encouragement it was to each of us. Pray these women continue to seek the Lord and walk in His ways. God has a wonderful plan for each of their lives and we were so blessed to be there when they made their decisions.

The second group of girls from the county was smaller but just as sweet. We all hugged one another and prayed for them, knowing that God is moving His Spirit in that facility.

Friday morning, I headed for Brandon and Jessica’s and arrived in time to watch Abigail while Bran and Jess went to a friend’s wedding. Abi and I have enjoyed our time together, and although I will be heading back tonight to be in Aspermont in the morning, I look forward to coming back next week to spend time with my family again.

This morning, we went to get some Jamba Juice and to the Verizon store to straighten out my cell phone. I have had lots of roaming charges the past month and needed to find out why. They straightened it out and hopefully I won’t have that problem any more. We also went to get some yummy cupcakes from a little shop in Keller.

Will keep you updated as I am more apt to get an internet connection here in Texas than in Mexico, praise the Lord.

I look forward to seeing friends at Aspermont Community Church tomorrow morning, and at Swenson Baptist tomorrow night. May God be glorified.

In His strong embrace,

Toni and Bill

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