Tuesday, January 29, 2013

A Wedding, Ten Puppies And A Mechanic

On Sunday night, I went to a wedding in San Carlos with Yessica. Her friends, Adriana and Obed got married and it was a nice wedding.

One of the things I love about Mexico is that celebrations usually include anyone walking by. Several people just came in off the street and sat down, welcomed to enjoy the celebration and the meal, and take home souvenirs. Two young mothers with little ones came and sat down with us, and we shared cookies with them. 
At one point, I walked outside to call Bill and on my way back inside, two men in a pickup spoke to me. I walked over to them and they asked me (in ENGLISH) where I was from. I started to share with them how the Lord had brought me down to Coahuila and found out that one of them, a young man named Rigo, had lived in Hamlin, Texas for 16 years and worked at the Peter Piper Dog Food plant there. He also worked for a rancher in Anson. He had recently been deported so was looking for work here. The other man was a man Bill and I met and talked to in San Carlos about a year ago, when he had just been deported.  I encouraged both of these young men to get into a church and not get into trouble. They both said they were Catholic but didn’t attend church. I told them I would be praying for them, and appreciate your prayers for them, too, that God would guide their footsteps and give them a desire to seek Him.

Over a year ago, we brought 4 puppies down from Carlsbad, Texas, near San Angelo, to serve as goat and sheep dogs for local ranchers. On December 23rd, Princessa had 10 puppies. They are just about big enough to wean and José, our neighbor, is getting a little male and female. He’s already working on the shelter for them. Lord willing, the puppies will be as good at their jobs as Princessa and Rey have been.
This has been a month of car problems and about a week ago, the shift lever on the Tundra wouldn’t move. I was giving Francisco a ride from La Potasa to his home in Palmira, so he got his uncle and they followed me home because I couldn’t stop the pickup to open the gate to the property. The next morning, Martín fixed the linkage problem in the steering column and I was back in business, or I guess I should day, on the road again. Thank the Lord for mechanics who know what they’re doing.  It took Martin about 4 hours but most of the time he was talking and visiting with everyone who came by to see what was going on. I love Mexico!

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