Friday, September 19, 2014

Planning For Your Exit

Greetings in the name of our glorious Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.

It has been a long time since I last updated our blog, and during the next few days, I hope to update you on several events from the past two months.

On a recent doctor’s visit to San Antonio, Bill and I had an opportunity to visit with an old friend of his from Odessa. Randy has been very ill, and we were blessed to have to chance to spend time with him while we were there.

During our visit, Bill felt led to ask Randy about his salvation, as he has been told by the doctors that he doesn’t have much time left to live.

Randy immediately told us that everything was taken care of. He’d already made arrangements with the funeral home, picked out his casket, chosen the songs that would be played during the funeral and had his plot picked out.

Bill once again asked him about his “salvation.” Randy told us everything was taken care of. All his family had to do when he died was make a phone call to the funeral home and it was a done deal.

I wonder how many of us think that is all the preparations we need to make to leave this life. What I’m afraid of is that many people think that’s really all they need to do. But there’s so much more.

We naturally spent more time explaining to Randy his need for salvation, to know where he’ll spend eternity with assurance.

Unless we make a choice now to surrender to the Lord of lords, and choose to follow Jesus, the funeral plans are the least of our problems as we leave this life on earth. The Word is very clear. Once to die, then the judgement. (Hebrews 9:27)

I doubt this is a popular subject with the majority of people here on earth, but for me, it's very important to make it clear to anyone reading this blog where I stand on the issue of salvation.

May God have His way in your life, and give you a desire for His will and use your life for His glory.

Be encouraged, He has a wonderful plan for your life. (Jeremiah 29:11)  

In His loving embrace,

Toni and Bill

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