Friday, August 3, 2012

August Update

Greetings from Tepeyac! We have not updated our blog in months and apologize for the lengthy silence, but many things have taken place since we last shared about or lives so we’ll try to catch you up a bit on our lives and the ministry we’re doing below the border.

In May, there was a Cabalgata here in Tepeyac and because of some exposure in the media, we shut our site down until we felt comfortable to open it up again to our friends and family. We apologize for the lack of communication on our part but have had many challenging changes here in the past few months.

To bring you up to date on our housing situation, we have purchased a piece of property near where we lived at the church.

We moved the trailer earlier this week and hooked the electricity up yesterday. It is on a little hill, with animals all around. Within a few hundred feet of our property is a valley with horses, cows, sheep, goats and the perfect place to have quiet time beneath the trees, watching the animals graze on the green grass there. I’ve spent the last two mornings there sitting on the bench below the trees, reading the word and praising God for His faithfulness.

Bill remains in Carrizo Springs during the week, and usually comes home on the weekends.

Our week-long VBS here and in Nava last month was wonderful, and we saw many make decisions for Christ in response to the messages shared. Dr. Wayne and Yuvi Cadenhead brought a great group down, along with Greg and Robin Goza and Jake, and many other wonderful friends, new and old, who came to help and share. It was a great time for everyone and I pray God causes the growth in the new believers.

We are planning a baptism next week in the river and a picnic day afterwards. Several here are looking forward to being baptized and we are excited about their decision to follow Christ and take that step of obedience.

In June, we were given a 2004 Toyota Tundra pickup and it has been such a blessing.  I have been able to bring people to and from church, and was able to pick up a new outhouse this week in Piedras Negras.

A little over two weeks ago, we had a tornado in Tepeyac and three homes lost their roofs. Our outhouses at the church were damaged, on destroyed and the other repairable. My washing machine was also damaged and we are grateful no damage was done to the trailer or the church. God is so good.

We appreciate your prayers and support and encouragement for us and we pray you will keep the new believers in your prayers as well.

May God continue to bless you as you allow Him to use your life for His glory.

By His grace,
Bill and Toni