Monday, February 23, 2015

Life In Tepeyac Picture Collage

Badly needed New tires for the Corolla from a friend in Knox City

Puppies from the Great Pyranees/Anatolian dogs we brought in 2011 from San Angelo
Manuel Martinez on his horse that's just his size
Angel and Jahaziel Rios reading the new Illustrated Bible Story Book in our van

One of the latest Birth Control advertisements in Acuña

Footprints of our canines on my computer bag in the van

My Sunday School Class doing their lesson on John 8:32

"And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

"Therefore be imitators of God as dear children. And walk in love, as Christ also has loved us and given Himself for us, an offering and a sacrifice to God for a sweet smelling aroma."
Ephesians 5:1, 2

The Joy of Serving

Greetings from Mexico in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. As we continue to try to be used here in Mexico in the lives of those in our sphere of influence, we are reminded of the words of Paul to the churches of Galatia. "Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all, especially to those who are of the household of faith." Galatians 6:10.
We were so happy to see Dr. Wayne and Yuvi Cadenhead when they came for a quick visit with their son, Jeremy, on Saturday, the 7th . They brought the lessons for the VBS planned in July here in Tepeyac, San Carlos and Nava.

I was able to go with them to visit with Sister Lupita and her family and they gave her this lovely little rose bush. She was happy to see everyone, and as always, it was a sweet visit with her and her husband. They have been a major part of our little church family here in Tepeyac, and Wayne and Yuvi have known her for over 20 years now.

After we left Lupita’s, we stopped by to visit Paula. Her husband, Blas, was out with the sheep so we sat in her little kitchen and enjoyed a sweet visit there.

Later, we headed for Nava and when we arrived there, we had a long visit with Pastor Manuel Toledo and his wife, Esther.  We walked to a nearby restaurant and enjoyed a nice meal there, to go along with the sweet fellowship. Then we walked down the street to the candy store. It’s a big place with just about every candy you can imagine, along with lots of other goodies and party supplies. It’s our regular stop when we go to Nava.

After we said our goodbyes, we headed back to Tepeyac.
It was wonderful spending the afternoon with our friends, and we look forward to their return this summer.

Sunday morning, I shared a message at the church in Tepeyac.

Monday we made a trip to Del Rio to cash a check for materials for the church in San Carlos. Some friends paid for all the roofing materials to replace the roof on the church.

Here's a picture of the church roof needing replacement.

We brought the cash to Sister Pati and then headed to the house. While we were in Del Rio, we picked up two walkers and a wheelchair from our storage unit. We delivered one of the walkers to Sister Lupita. She has been suffering from knee and back problems and the walker with a seat really was a blessing to her. My sister, Jennie, gave it to me for Mexico when I was in California in December.

Tuesday morning, we drove Guadalupe to the doctor in Piedras Negras. Every month she goes in for a checkup on her diabetes and blood pressure. Her sister, Juana, went with us.

Early Wednesday morning, Manuelita came by to ask if I could take her parents to the doctor in Piedras. I told her yes and we picked them up that morning at 11 am. On the way, we picked up Don Trinidad from Jarita waiting at the highway where he was hoping to catch a ride. We dropped them all off and headed across the border to mail some letters and fill up with gas. We got back when they had just finished with their appointment and took them to the Gutierrez Grocery store to get some supplies, then headed back home.

Thursday we went to Maria and Rito’s to bring some scraps to “Jaboncita,” (translated: little bar of soap) the young pig that Bill brought them in December to raise. 
Bill holding sweet little Jaboncita, the piglet.

She has grown a lot. We had a nice visit with their family while Rito and a friend were working on the transmission on Rito’s pickup. They are using our pickup until they get theirs repaired.

John Wesley said, “Let me do all the good I can, to all the people I can, as often as I can, for I shall not pass this way again.”

The Lord has blessed us with three vehicles, and every one of them has a purpose. Most of the time, they are the perfect tool for taking folks where they want to go. God has provided us with a ministry to the families in our area and we are grateful for His trust in us to be His feet and hands.

We are grateful for every opportunity we have to serve the Lord by serving others here. It’s a privilege we don’t take lightly.

May God use your life for His glory, and may He give you more opportunities to share His love with the lost and hurting around you.

We thank God for you and your interest in the ministry we do here. May He be glorified in all our lives.

In His loving embrace,

Toni and Bill

"And whatever you do, do it heartily, as to the Lord and not to men, knowing that from the Lord you will receive the reward of the inheritance; for you serve the Lord Christ." Colossians 3:23, 24