Monday, December 6, 2021

Back In Church In Centinela

Blessings from Coahuila on this beautiful afternoon! After 6 weeks away from home visiting family and friends, I arrived back in Mexico on Saturday afternoon. The three-day drive was a long one but the Lord blessed me with traveling mercies and the little Ford Focus ran great!

I had many opportunities to speak to people in Sacramento about the Lord and to share the love of Christ through meals with the homeless. There is no lack of opportunities and it was a great time with my family.

Unfortunately, I got Covid19 the first week in November and thankfully passed through it without going to the hospital. Last week I had a negative test before I returned to Mexico so feel confident I am no longer contagious. I wasn't able to visit all the friends I wanted to due to the virus, but kept in touch by phone with several of them.

On Friday, I stopped in Van Horn and visited with three Guatemalan men bringing vehicles to Guatemala from California. Since Bill, Todd and I had taken one of those trips in 2005, it was interesting talking to them and I had the opportunity to buy a meal for them at Wendy's and pray for them before they continued on their journey back home. Luis, Julio and Eleazar should make it back home long before Christmas to spend it with their families.

Yesterday’s service in Centinela was wonderful. We shared a meal afterwards prepared by one of the muchachos and his family. It was a great time of worship and fellowship. 

Today I met some friends in Del Rio for lunch at IHOP. Gary and Margarita have been living in Del Rio and several months ago we met at one of the car dealerships while we were having repairs done on our vehicles. We have kept in contact ever since, and when we can, we meet for lunch at one of the local restaurants. 

It's always good to see them and they are such an interesting couple, we never lack things to talk about.

Thank you for your interest in the ministry and the blog. I pray the Lord blesses you as you find ways to make a difference in your community and beyond. May our lives bring Him the glory.

By His grace,