Saturday, October 13, 2012

October Update~Belated

It’s an overcast Wednesday here in Tepeyac and the weather man gave a 40% chance of rain for our area, according to the neighbors. We had 4 inches of rain one day the week before last, but like most of the area and most of our neighboring Texas, we are lacking moisture and praying for rain.

Today I have been working on the flyers for the evangelistic concert and outreach in San Carlos after the Cabalgata on November 24th. Last year’s event brought many to the area and several came to know Christ as their Lord and Savior at the Concert that night.

Last week, I started a study with a good friend in Tepeyac. We are reading through “El Poder de la Esposa Que Ora.” (The Power of the Praying Wife, by Stormy Omartian.) She really enjoyed the forward and the first chapter and I wrote down every scripture referenced in the book. We spent nearly 4 hours together the first day, reading and discussing what we read. I brought back that book and Rick Warren’s Purpose Driven Life in Spanish. The first day we met, there we three of us. The second day, there were five. I pray God uses this study for His glory, and to make us more prayerful women.

I finished painting the wall mural at the kindergarten in Palmira. Here I’ve posted pictures of the before and after. They didn’t want to paint a new mural, but to freshen up the old one. I spent 12 hours all together on the two days I worked on it and I think it sure gave it a fresh look. It was a blessing to donate time to the project and since I had the paint, the school didn’t have to pay for anything. I had many opportunities to share with people that came by to visit while I painted. Several children painted figurines I had with me and they enjoyed that very much.

Recently we have had an increase in military and policemen. Yesterday, we had two vehicles in Vicente Guerrero with over a dozen military men. Today, the helicopter flew over for about an hour, concentrating on an area within miles of our home. Every opportunity I get, I try to bring something to the officers and soldiers. Usually I bring bottles of Coca Cola. Sometimes, I bring cookies and chips along with the soda. 

Last week, I had the opportunity to take two people to the Centro de Salud in Acuña. When we stopped at the military checkpoint outside the city, all of the men acknowledged me with a smile and a wave hello. The response of the soldiers amazed my passengers and it was an opportunity to share with them what the Lord had put on my heart to do for these men who are protecting us.

So many things have been happening in our area lately, and we are prayerful that the Lord will continue to give us favor as we minister in this area of Mexico. The enemy is alive and well, and we are seeking our Savior to protect, direct and anoint us as we share the love of Jesus with the lost here.

Thank you for your prayers and support for us. We are so grateful for you and your burden for the lost below the border.

In His loving embrace,

Toni and Bill