Monday, July 22, 2013

VBS Week in Mexico

Greetings in the wonderful name of Jesus Christ!

We just finished our week of Vacation Bible School in Tepeyac, San Carlos and Nava and everything went so smoothly. Our friend and pastor of First Baptist Church in Haskell, Jim Mc Curley was here, and so were Pastor Greg and Robin Goza and their son, Jake from Anson. They pastor the Community Church in Aspermont that we used to attend when we lived in Texas.

Dr. Wayne and Yuvi Cadenhead have been heading up this VBS outreach for over 30 years and have it down to a science. It was on the trip to Tepeyac in 2008 that opened my eyes to the needs here in Coahuila. God has a way of touching your heart when you come to Mexico to make a difference for the kingdom.


Guillermo and friends waiting on yukis at the Tepeyac VBS



Many more friends, old and new, participated in the group. It was such a blessing to spend time with them and to hear what God has been doing in their lives over the past year.
We have been working hard to scrape old paint off and repaint the church in Tepeyac. It was a group effort and we are so happy with the results.

Monday afternoon, Susan Carver came down to join us from Knox City. We met her in Del Rio and caravanned down to our house. She will be leaving today and we are sad to see her go. It has been great having her here for a visit.
I am posting some photos of things that we’ve been doing the past few weeks. Susan purchased a new outhouse for the church in Tepeyac and we picked it up in Piedras  Negras.

Many of the local farmers are growing corn. This picture is of Bill and our friend, Yessica’s baby Jaziel. He will turn one next month.
This picture is of the group (and a few of our friends from Tepeyac and Palmira) at the church in Nava on the last day of the VBS. It’s a great picture of the group and we’re so glad we were able to participate again this year.

We thank the Lord for all the wonderful friends who participated in this year's VBS and look forward to their return next year. Many seeds were planted for the Kingdom of God and we know His Word does not return void. May every seed be fruitful.
Thank you for your love and support and your prayers for us here in Coahuila. Keep your eyes on Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith.
In His loving embrace,
Toni and Bill