Sunday, December 15, 2013

Visiting The Rehab With Friends

Greg, Alejandro and Bill

Showing us his guitar before we sang in the dorm.

New piglets and the center...healthy and happy!
Here are some pictures from our visit yesterday afternoon with Greg, Robin, Linda and DeAnn at the Rehabilitation Center near Piedras. We were able to bring them some work glove and tarps and it was wonderful to visit and have the group see what God is doing in that place. While we were there, Hermano Alejandro took Greg for a tour of the facility. When we went into the dorms, Bill asked one of the brothers to sing "Tu Fidelidad" and he picked up his guitar and played it while we all joined in to sing. It was so sweet. God is working in this facility and using it to change the lives of the men He brings there. May He be glorified!

Special Delivery: Shoebox Gifts for Mexico

Oh, taste and see that the Lord is good; Blessed is the man who trusts in Him!
Psalm 34:8

The Shoebox Christmas gift program this year was a blessing to over 200 children and adults in our area of Coahuila. We are grateful for everyone who participated in making this possible, and especially grateful for Greg and Robin Goza and Linda Peña and her daughter, DeAnn Parsons, all of whom came down to bring the gifts. The First Baptist Church of Swenson and Aspermont Community Church were the main participants and their efforts were greatly appreciated by all the children and parents who received the shoeboxes. Here are some pictures. We delivered the boxes on Saturday, December 14th.