Wednesday, July 19, 2023

Tepeyac VBS 2023

Greetings in the merciful name of Jesus Christ. This week has been a wonderful time of reconnecting with friends from the First Baptist Church in Haskell. Vacation Bible school has started once again, and we are having classes in Tepeyac, San Carlos, and Remolino. Unfortunately, our vacation Bible school in Centinela was canceled due to illness. I am posting some pictures of the first two days of VBS in Tepeyac. I have enjoyed fellowship with all the wonderful people that came down from Texas, and the Goza‘s that came up from Guadalajara in Jalisco. It’s been great to reconnect and I miss English-speaking fellowship.

Here are pictures from this week in Tepeyac. 

Saturday, July 15, 2023

Tepeyac Kindergarten Mural

 Greetings from Coahuila, in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. About a month ago I started a wall mural after being asked by the kindergarten moms to paint a wall they had recently constructed. For me, painting is therapeutic. They had no specifics and I gladly began the process of painting something that I hope would be a joy for the children for many years.

These are pictures from the final product.